Overall 2.5 (Rounded to 3)...
Ok, I shall go through your "games" *ahem* and I shall explain the good (if any) and bad (if I have enough room for this review) about each game.
Dress Up - This was just boring. You could've had a lot of different clothes to put on him and maybe used buttons to change clothes instead of drag and drop. Dress Up games are boring and out-dated so your one will need to be pretty special to make the grade.
Sick - WTF was that supposed to be? It was one of those stupid turtles holding a li'l boy... WTF??? I'm gonna take the wild guess that you were trying to be funny... Well, you're not.
Dodge the poisonous pizza - This game, out of the whole 4 (wow), had the most potential. You could've had atleast more than one pizza or you could've had that pizza's continual loop of movement a lot longer so it cover the whole screen eventually because you can just move the turtle to the top right hand corner of the screen and the pizza cannot reach you. All in all, it was stupid.
Squats - That was so pointless and boring. There were a wole 2 frames of squating animation and the second frame, he wasn't eve squating! You just dragged the picture of the turtle down the screen a bit! :| It should've been something like a key squence you had to type in to make him squat and stand again.
Overall - Overall, this game sucked really. Shame.
P.S. Any spelling errors ARE typos and I usually go through my whole review and check it but I cba right now.